The Do- “Nots” of Social Media Marketing

Yasir Sulaiman
3 min readNov 13, 2023


A lot is spoken of as well as written about the practices of social media marketing. Yet, several businesses are not able to derive the maximum benefit from it. This perhaps is because these businesses commit the following “Do-Nots” of social media marketing.

1. Counting the number of “likes”: This matters the least! Anyone can hit the “like” button. But give value to those and make a follow-up on those who actually respond. They could turn out to be genuine leads.

2. Random posting of irrelevant content: There are billions of people who use social media daily and millions among them who buy products online. Seeing irrelevant postings with your company name at the bottom will actually, turn their heads elsewhere!

3. Non-conversion into sales: A very limited portion of social media users purchase products after seeing ads. Then why spend unnecessarily on advertisements on various social media channels, if they aren’t going to be converted into sales? Strategize and execute!

4. Investing on a wide group of channels: Instant Messenger Chats as well as new social media platforms are gaining popularity. But they have no guarantee of sales. Invest your time and money in established ones.

5. Lack of unique brand personality: There are tons of companies offering the same products/services as yours. So, what is unique about your brand-name brand personality? An idea would be to associate a celebrity or customized animation with your brand.

6. Spamming: Even you hate it when other businesses fill your timelines with spam messages. So why should you do the same? Avoid posting advertisements without permission and also ads that are irrelevant to the targeted client or community.

7. Lack of automation: Technology has advanced massively. Make use of it and utilize scheduling tools to post social media ads instead of doing them manually. The results will be more accurate and save you time as well as money.

8. Using the same post for different audiences: This is like posting an ad in the same language across different television channels, belonging to different regions! The members of each social media group are unique and so should be your social media ads.

9. Throwing darts without a target: Developing and utilizing social media posts without a target will amount to nothing. You must perform periodical analyses of the results being generated, lest you waste a lot of your precious time and investment.

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Yasir Sulaiman


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Yasir Sulaiman

I am an experienced blogger and content developer with nearly 2 decades of experience. Have written content for multiple websites. Clients are from everywhere!